Health Equity Questionnaire FAQs
We Ask Because We Care
We would like to ask you some questions to help us better understand our patients/clients. Your answers will help us provide you with the best care possible and help improve programs and services for everyone.
Why are you collecting this information?
These questions will help us to better understand our patients/clients and help us provide better care and services. Some questions may feel very personal or private; we are asking these questions because sometimes people have been treated differently because of who they are as a person. Being treated differently like this is discrimination and can affect our health.
Do I have to answer all the questions?
No. You can choose to answer these questions or not. You can stop answering the questions at any time, or ask us to remove your answers at any time. We will provide you with care whether you answer the questions or not.
Who will see this information?
Only people involved directly in your care will see your answers. It will be protected like all your other health information. We will also take your answers and remove your name from them and combine them with the answers of all the other people we serve. Those combined answers may be used by us, as well as by researchers, to provide better care and services.
How long will this take?
It will take six to eight minutes to complete all 13 questions.
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